March 14, 2013 by
Categories: Acceptance, Human

A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I adopted a puppy together. Bruce is a very handsome border collie mix who lives up to almost every expectation that someone would have for a puppy.

I cannot remember a time when I have said the words no, stop, or outside as much as I have the past month. I’ll admit it,  I also  feel for Bella the beagle who is constantly being tackled by Bruce!

To put it simply…I have quickly learned that puppies require a good dose of patience. When he does something wrong, I quickly


remind myself that he is learning. He was not born knowing the rules. Even now, he is crawling across my lap, randomly hitting the keys on my keyboard with his paws.

Bruce has taught me a valuable lesson. Patience is one of the best gifts that we can offer to others and ourselves.

There have been many times when I have been sitting in the therapy room with a client expressing frustration over something that they are unable to do or believing that others will not be understanding of their need to learn and grow. These are the times when I whip out one of my favorite questions…do you get impatient/angry/frustrated with your loved ones or friends when they are in situations similar to yours?

The answer is almost always a resounding no. Most of the time, people respond to that question by expressing understanding and patience for others in the same situation that they are in.

So, just a thought, what would it be like if you allowed yourself more grace and patience in your own life?



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