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May 14, 2013 by Trent, 0 comments

How much does your stress from work affect your relationships at home? I think for most people, the answer is that stress at work does affect our relationships. In fact, there’s a label for this: the spillover effect. Researchers have been busy attempting to understand the effect so that it’s effects can be reduced. In a recent article in Personal Read more…

September 24, 2012 by Trent, 1 comment

I remember this list floating around on email a few years ago: What to say when you get caught asleep at work: 1. “They told me at the Blood Bank this might happen.” 2. “This is just a 15 minute power nap they raved about in the time management course you sent me to.” 3. “Whew! Guess I left the Read more…

September 21, 2012 by Trent, 0 comments

Lately I have been feeling overwhelmed. You know the feeling: a responsibility crust, regular stress filling, a too-long-to-do-list topping, with a sinking feeling on top. One of the worst parts for me is seeing additional toppings (i.e., other projects) all around me that are so tantalizing that I want to add them to my overloaded pie. Sometimes I’ve just grown Read more…

September 20, 2012 by Trent, 0 comments

I ran into this video when procrastinating. If felt a little like I was being called out. I admit it though: I am a procrastinator. When I’m really feeling under pressure, I don’t like it, but let’s be honest: I love the rush. Sometimes, though it would be nice if I didn’t have to feel that pressure… What about you? Read more…

September 5, 2012 by Fatimah, 0 comments

There are many ways to interpret this saying. One is that there is a bit of ourselves in every person we meet.  Thus, when we fight with them, we are also fighting ourselves.   Another is that we are often our own enemy. I’m especially reminded of this after walking away from an argument, a bad day, or someone that Read more…

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