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May 14, 2013 by Trent, 0 comments

How much does your stress from work affect your relationships at home? I think for most people, the answer is that stress at work does affect our relationships. In fact, there’s a label for this: the spillover effect. Researchers have been busy attempting to understand the effect so that it’s effects can be reduced. In a recent article in Personal Read more…

February 11, 2013 by Trent, 0 comments

As a researcher, I thumb though articles in journals all the time. Some of what I come across is interesting…other’s not so much. Recently I came across this article that begins to uncover the development of love in a relationship. Specifically, the researchers were curious whether men or women feel and declare love first. Traditional thought tells us that it Read more…

January 18, 2013 by Trent, 1 comment

I’ve come to realize lately that we are a people driven to be happy. Religious, spiritual, and secular programs all exist that try to teach us how to be happy all the time. Each program makes promises that if we focus on the positive, fake it till we make it, think happy thoughts, or whatever, we will be as happy Read more…

December 21, 2012 by Trent, 0 comments

Not too long ago I was involved in a discussion about what motivates us. General answers were given such as wanting to help others, desires to be a good person, a sense of responsibility. I think all of these are good answers, but as I thought about it, I don’t think one of our primary motivations for doing things were Read more…

November 14, 2012 by Fatimah, 1 comment

I feel confident in saying that all of us here at Collective Inquiry are big advocates of feeling your feelings. It’s a simple statement, but not a simple action. If there is one lesson I have learned from my training, it is that when you allow yourself to dive deeply into a feeling, you will realized why so often we Read more…

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