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July 2, 2013 by Fatimah, 0 comments

Two years ago, I was attending a workshop for play therapy when a profound statement reached my ears: “What you give as a therapist is what you always needed.”  It struck me on different levels and in all of my different roles- therapist, sibling, daughter, friend, and human. I thought about my “style” or “theory” of therapy. Nearing the end Read more…

February 5, 2013 by Laura, 0 comments

As I was driving to work the other day, I was lucky enough to catch an interview with Amity Gaige regarding her new book “Shroder.” The book revolves around a man who abducts his young daughter during a bitter custody battle, and it centers on the question of whether you have to be a “good person” in order to be Read more…

January 29, 2013 by Laura, 0 comments

What are you passionate about? And how much are willing to risk for it? These questions came to mind over the weekend, and I began thinking about how much I would risk for my goals in life. This past Sunday, my family experienced a tragedy that was devastating and life-changing for those at the center. That evening, as I crawled into bed Read more…

September 4, 2012 by Laura, 4 comments

Last week, an article circulated on BuzzFeed that featured a story about a father and his five-year-old son. The young boy  liked to wear dresses, and as most of you would expect, classmates began to ridicule him for this choice.  The father recalls how the boy came home after several days of teasing, deciding no longer to wear dresses to Read more…

August 19, 2012 by Trent, 0 comments

Back in the days before electricity, families gathered around the fire to talk about their day, share stories, and maybe even sing. These days, while we don’t have a fire to gather around, we do have a dinner table to fill this function. Recently, a studywas conducted by researchers at Cornell University and the University of Minnesota. They used data Read more…

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