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October 2, 2012 by Laura, 0 comments

[vimeo 39578584 w=500 h=281] This video documents the work of Ian Ruhter, who started using different techniques for photography, a work about which is a incredibly passionate. He asks the following question: “If you had been searching your whole life for something you love, what would you be willing to sacrifice?” Passion, Inspiration, Motivation… these are all things I feel Read more…

June 27, 2012 by Fatimah, 0 comments

As I write my posts, share my story, or make myself vulnerable, I find myself  naturally wanting to weave in a lesson or a silver lining. Because that’s what I do. I try to find the best in people and I try to learn from everything. Even in my hardest, most raw and painful moments, I can feel myself growing Read more…

May 1, 2012 by Laura, 4 comments

Last month, my book club read a fantastic book by Jennifer Egan, titled The Keep. In the book, one of the characters describes “the worm” – this all-encompassing paranoia that distorts your perceptions and feelings. Lately, I’ve been thinking about how I experience this worm. While on a long drive home yesterday, I began reflecting on my past week. For the Read more…

April 9, 2012 by Fatimah, 4 comments

There are common fears people have before going to therapy: I will be judged, they will give me advice I don’t want to hear, or they will confirm my belief that indeed, I am not normal. Pushing those fears aside and being a client takes ultimate courage. We are raised to conform our behaviors and cultivate attitudes and beliefs to Read more…