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August 22, 2013 by Kristyn, 4 comments

I will forever be grateful to my parents. They provided me with a model of what it really means to stick by your partner’s side…through thick and thin. I think that our romantic culture does us a disservice sometimes. There is this message floating around that it’s okay to abandon ship when things get tough. Mostly because some of us Read more…

August 8, 2013 by Kristyn, 0 comments

Ever have one of those moments in which you question why you are doing what you are doing? I have. In fact, this morning I was reminded of an afternoon last fall during which I sat at my kitchen table surrounded by notes, textbooks, and computer screens…all for a statistics project due at the end of the week. I sat Read more…

July 15, 2013 by Kristyn, 0 comments

I recently realized something about myself that is, in all likelihood, applicable to you. It is hard to hear the things that we most need to hear about ourselves. Most of the time, it is much easier to raise our defenses than to embrace the truth. Embracing the truth requires that we are vulnerable….something that takes guts. I think that Read more…

May 24, 2013 by Trent, 0 comments

“The potter forms the clay into jars, but their usefulness depends on the enclosed space”.– Tao Te Ching So much of our life is lived around structure. It provides a framework for us to feel comfortable and in control. The framework can be anything from our daily schedule and habits to the stereotypes we have of others. We rely so Read more…

May 20, 2013 by Trent, 1 comment

Why do you forgive someone? The answers may vary by the individual, but a group of researchers recently suggested that we are more likely to forgive for the sake of ourselves and for our relationships. When we do forgive for the sake of our relationship, it is likely related to our relationship quality and a decrease in revenge and avoidance. Read more…

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