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May 12, 2015 by Trent, 2 comments

Several years ago I was working on a grant to help ease the transition for adolescents to go from a residential treatment center for mental health back into school. This transition is typically difficult due to changes in medication or people asking where they were. To help part of the transition, I wanted to be able to have marriage and Read more…

April 23, 2015 by Trent, 0 comments

In our society, we foster a feeling that we are not good enough. Most of the time this feeling is not noticeable, such as when we set goals to do better. It can also be loud enough to be in our face, such as when we feel like a failure. Either way, maintaining a not-good-enough attitude is a wonderful recipe Read more…

January 18, 2015 by Fatimah, 1 comment

“She died a famous woman   denying her wounds denying her wounds   came   from the  same source of her power.” Adrienne Rich, “Power” Adrienne so beautifully writes about Marie Curie, how the work she pioneered in radiology ultimately led to her demise. This line has become a source of inspiration for me, one that I keep going back Read more…

December 22, 2014 by Trent, 0 comments

I recently received a wonderful gift: The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings on Authenticity, Connection and Courage by Brené Brown. I’ve been listening to it while I’m driving in my car. In the most recent segment that I was listening to, she quoted work done by Lisa Hartling that lists three reactions that we usually fall to when experiencing shame: move away, Read more…

October 3, 2013 by Trent, 1 comment

Accepting the diagnoses was more difficult that I had thought. Once I began the process of accepting the fact that I had  anxiety and depression, it was as if it gave them more power. The drowsiness from the medication’s side effect didn’t help much either. A few days after starting the medication, I felt moments of normalcy that lasted about Read more…

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