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March 8, 2015 by Fatimah, 0 comments

It’s the first morning in a long time that I woke up and wanted to fling my window wide open. As the sunshine filled the room, I didn’t dread the tasks before me: Laundry and grocery shopping. If you know how much I dislike laundry, you’ll understand that this is a special feeling. Before I could change my mind, I grabbed Read more…

January 18, 2015 by Fatimah, 1 comment

“She died a famous woman   denying her wounds denying her wounds   came   from the  same source of her power.” Adrienne Rich, “Power” Adrienne so beautifully writes about Marie Curie, how the work she pioneered in radiology ultimately led to her demise. This line has become a source of inspiration for me, one that I keep going back Read more…

December 22, 2014 by Trent, 0 comments

I recently received a wonderful gift: The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings on Authenticity, Connection and Courage by Brené Brown. I’ve been listening to it while I’m driving in my car. In the most recent segment that I was listening to, she quoted work done by Lisa Hartling that lists three reactions that we usually fall to when experiencing shame: move away, Read more…

August 29, 2014 by Fatimah, 1 comment

In the fall of 2011, I embarked on a trip to volunteer as an ESL instructor in Nablus, Palestine, shortly after losing a close cousin of mine. She passed away weeks before her own trip to Palestine to volunteer as a medical student. Facing the most difficult time of my life, I knew I had to take this trip in Read more…

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