Briefing for Entry Into a More Harsh Environment
July 9, 2012 by
Categories: Therapy

Picture taken from my Outward Bound trek in high school

I just got back from leading one of my Military-Extension Adventure Camps at the Big South Fork River.  We had a ton of fun whitewater canoeing, camping along the river coastline, and getting to know each other.  Right before our take-out point yesterday, one of my colleagues read a short essay to the group as a way to bring our minds to a closing of the camp.  This moment brought an intentional focus to what we all experienced at the camp and how we can take what we learned home with us.  It was especially fun to listen to the reading while we all floated in an eddy in the middle of several large river boulders (more fun than on a couch in a therapy office if you ask me).

This was such a great tool for ending such a meaningful trip and I wanted to share this with all of you.  If you are a therapist (especially a wilderness or adventure therapist), this would be a great tool for a trip closing.  Even if you are not a therapist, this essay provides such a great way to think about how experiences in nature can impact our lives.

Click on this link to read the essay: Briefing For Entry Into A More Harsh Environment

(The link above may take you to another page that will contain another link.  Click on the link that says “Briefing For Entry Into A More Harsh Environment” and you should be directed to the essay.)

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