To Paddle Backwards
June 24, 2012 by
Categories: Miscellaneous

This week I’ve got a new take on my traditional blog post.  Check out the video…

(If you do not see a play button to click on, just click on the video box and it should start to play.)



Metaphors play a significant role in my life.  Can you relate?  What metaphors speak to you the most?

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2 Thoughts About To Paddle Backwards

  • Daddio
    June 28, 2012 at 2:56 pm Reply

    Just a thought…when “paddling backwards” is a “de ja vous” re-experiencing the same or is it re-living something very similar? Is it even possible to experience a “de ja vous” when when paddliing forward?

    Second thought…if you “lose your paddle” do you “lose your free will”?

    Last thought…at what point when paddling “upstream” do you find yourself actually moving “donwstream”?

    Not so “deep” thoughts,

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