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October 5, 2012 by Trent, 0 comments

I score extremely high on just about every introversion test that’s out there. I’ve been that way since I was little. As a teen, I remember sitting in my room, listening to music, and thinking about life, the universe, and everything (figuratively and literally). Truth be told, I still value the time I can be alone to read, listen to Read more…

September 27, 2012 by Kristyn, 0 comments

“And so much of our experience is intangible. So much of what we perceive cannot be expressed. It’s unspeakable. And yet, you know, when we communicate with one another and we feel that we have connected and we think we’re understood I think we have a feeling almost spiritual communion. And that feeling may be transient, but I think it’s Read more…

September 19, 2012 by Fatimah, 1 comment

There have been many conversations on this blog about changing selves and growth. Many factors contribute to change: environment, people, travel, pain, and emotions in general. But the focus has largely centered on the individual self and not as much on how change affects relationships as a result. I’m very aware of my own fluid change and shifting identity and Read more…

August 16, 2012 by Kristyn, 0 comments

“Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.” – Robert Frost Therapy sessions can be intense. Clients and therapists can both be brought to their knees by the expression of an emotion or the recounting of a difficult life moment. I think that this Read more…

August 9, 2012 by Fatimah, 1 comment

I recently reflected on different phases of my life and thought through the different themes and connections. I  have faced many challenges and difficult decisions both personally and academically. It turns out that when you attend school for 18 years, it becomes nearly impossible to separate the line between your education and your immediate life. On a bad day, you may struggle Read more…

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