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March 8, 2015 by Fatimah, 0 comments

It’s the first morning in a long time that I woke up and wanted to fling my window wide open. As the sunshine filled the room, I didn’t dread the tasks before me: Laundry and grocery shopping. If you know how much I dislike laundry, you’ll understand that this is a special feeling. Before I could change my mind, I grabbed Read more…

December 22, 2014 by Trent, 0 comments

I recently received a wonderful gift: The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings on Authenticity, Connection and Courage by Brené Brown. I’ve been listening to it while I’m driving in my car. In the most recent segment that I was listening to, she quoted work done by Lisa Hartling that lists three reactions that we usually fall to when experiencing shame: move away, Read more…

July 2, 2013 by Fatimah, 0 comments

Two years ago, I was attending a workshop for play therapy when a profound statement reached my ears: “What you give as a therapist is what you always needed.”  It struck me on different levels and in all of my different roles- therapist, sibling, daughter, friend, and human. I thought about my “style” or “theory” of therapy. Nearing the end Read more…

June 12, 2013 by Fatimah, 0 comments

Words and books have always been a strong gravity in my life, lifting me along and creating secret worlds, strength, and wisdom that can only be found between covers. Recently, I was immersed in a book on a train and stumbled across two sentences that in an instant caught my breath. As the car throttled on, I sat still, stopped Read more…

March 11, 2013 by Nathan Wood, 0 comments

Well, my friends here at Collective Inquiry may have lost their collective minds when they invited me to do a guest spot. It is an honor, and frankly a bit intimidating, to contribute to such a wonderful place of wisdom and depth. Lately, I have been reflecting on the role of standards in our lives. Rigidly defined standards feel like Read more…

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