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September 19, 2013 by Kristyn, 1 comment

Unfortunately, relationships do not come with a manual. They are really hard to figure out sometimes! However, the good news is that there are researchers who are invested in trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t work. One of these researchers is John Gottman. According to John Gottman, there is a magic ratio that sets successful couples apart Read more…

May 20, 2013 by Trent, 4 comments

Why do you forgive someone? The answers may vary by the individual, but a group of researchers recently suggested that we are more likely to forgive for the sake of ourselves and for our relationships. When we do forgive for the sake of our relationship, it is likely related to our relationship quality and a decrease in revenge and avoidance. Read more…

May 14, 2013 by Trent, 0 comments

How much does your stress from work affect your relationships at home? I think for most people, the answer is that stress at work does affect our relationships. In fact, there’s a label for this: the spillover effect. Researchers have been busy attempting to understand the effect so that it’s effects can be reduced. In a recent article in Personal Read more…

February 11, 2013 by Trent, 0 comments

As a researcher, I thumb though articles in journals all the time. Some of what I come across is interesting…other’s not so much. Recently I came across this article that begins to uncover the development of love in a relationship. Specifically, the researchers were curious whether men or women feel and declare love first. Traditional thought tells us that it Read more…

September 26, 2012 by Fatimah, 0 comments

Article: Go Easy on Yourself, a New Wave of Research urges I ran across this article and was intrigued. Self-care is hugely important in any field, but especially seems to fall to the bottom in helping professions. This means the very people who strive to care for others sometimes neglect to turn that amazing compassion towards themselves. “The research suggests that Read more…

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